Online verlegt
Spezialisiert / Akademisch
19.11.2020 09:15 - 17:00
Professional careers are partially based on technical, scientific, and professional skills (“what you know”) and partially on social networks and professional networks (“who you know”). However, many young professionals are surprised to discover that “who you know” is often
much more important than “what you know” in determining interesting job offers and careers. This is especially true for researchers and academics who have spent much of their young lives perfecting their technical and scientific skills and to be the best in their schools, universities, and PhD programs, and women, who have internalized counterproductive stereotypes.
This workshop is designed to give participants the tools and techniques to develop, maintain, and harness professional networks. In particular, we will examine general principles concerning network building and how cultural differences in communication and collaboration may influence best practices and expectations in social relationships in different contexts.
The workshop will be interactive, and based on the questions and concerns brought by the participants. We will use role playing and concrete exa ples to experiment. The workshop will be held in English, but some challenges concerning cultural differences can be discussed in French or German, depending on the language and preferences of the participants.
much more important than “what you know” in determining interesting job offers and careers. This is especially true for researchers and academics who have spent much of their young lives perfecting their technical and scientific skills and to be the best in their schools, universities, and PhD programs, and women, who have internalized counterproductive stereotypes.
This workshop is designed to give participants the tools and techniques to develop, maintain, and harness professional networks. In particular, we will examine general principles concerning network building and how cultural differences in communication and collaboration may influence best practices and expectations in social relationships in different contexts.
The workshop will be interactive, and based on the questions and concerns brought by the participants. We will use role playing and concrete exa ples to experiment. The workshop will be held in English, but some challenges concerning cultural differences can be discussed in French or German, depending on the language and preferences of the participants.
19.11.2020 09:15 - 17:00
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Tanja Wranik, psychologist, independnent coach and consultant
REIHE von Veranstaltungen:
L'objectif du programme d'atelier REGARD est de développer des compétences transversales et de proposer des outils concrets de gestion de carrière et d'encadrement de la relève féminine. Les ateliers créent par ailleurs des espaces de discussion et d'échange d'expériences entre chercheuses. Ils ont également pour but de générer une sensibilisation à la thématique de l'égalité de traitement entre les femmes et les hommes dans les carrières. C'est ainsi que quelques ateliers sont ouverts à un public mixte chaque année.
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