Pitching myself for industry: my roadmap for success
Spezialisiert / Akademisch
16.02.2021 09:00 - 20.10.2021 17:00
what drives you and how you can bring together your vision and your intention.
You will have the opportunity to
• Define your drivers, your values
• Understand and manage your limiting beliefs and your challenges
• Consider what gaps need to be bridged for you to step into industry with confidence
• Build a roadmap to bridge the gap between your skills and the skills needed
• Exchange on how and where to identify job offers in industry that could benefit from your skills
• Learn how to communicate effectively to assert your potential and maximise your chances of securing that first interview
• Practice your “pitch” and the Q&A for the interview process
• Identify your allies and explore how to network
• Build a roadmap for a successful transition
This interactive workshop will focus on experiential learning and provide participants with an individualized road map on how to achieve the desired changes. It presents an opportunity to hone a “pitch” in a safe and expert group as well as an opportunity to build and consolidate
a network of support.
Claudia Möri
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
026 300 70 43
Registration usually opens six weeks before each workhop and has to be done online over the program's website.
You'll immediately get an automatically generated message confirming your request. In the next couple of days, we'll confirm your registration by email. If the workshop is fully booked, we'll put you on the waiting list.
Once your registration is confirmed, it is considered final. Withdrawal less than one week before the workshop OR an absence from the workshop without excuse or explanation entail a fee of CHF 200.- (except in the case of force majeure).
You'll get an email with all the necessary information (starting time, room, etc.) no later than one week before the workshop
There will be a waiting list if the workshop is fully booked. If a place becomes available, we'll contact you as soon as possible
Researchers from other institutions than the partner universities are welcome to participate in our workshops at a cost of CHF 250.-/workshop day. Priority will be given to researchers from the partner institutions.
Anmeldefrist: 13.02.2021
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