Finding and applying for funding in academia

Académique ou spécialiste
09.05.2023 10:00 - 16:00
En ligne

Description and objectives

The objectives of this workshop are:
Receive information about funding organizations and suitable funding possibilities especially for women researchers (Switzerland and EU)
Connect information to academic level and career planning of the participants
Know the most important features about planning and preparing an application
Know all elements of writing a convincing research project
Receive Tipps & Tricks, Do’s & Don’ts
Practical exercises: work on the first part of an application.
(This part will be prepared by the participants before the workshop and according to the trainer’s requirements)
Group coaching: participants present and discuss their concept within the group and receive individual feedback by the trainer

Theory by the trainer combined with interactive exercises
Practical exercise: individual work, group discussion and feedback
A lot of time for Q&A
This workshop will be organized as an online training session (Zoom)
09.05.2023 10:00 - 16:00
REGARD Programmes d'ateliers
Manuela Schicka
Av. de l'Europe 0
1700 Fribourg
Susanne Matuschek
coach and consultant
Inscription Obligatoire

Registration opens six weeks before the workshop

Date limite: 28.04.2023


CYCLE d'événements:
REGARD: Le programme d'ateliers pour la relève féminine

Les ateliers du programme REGARD offrent des outils concrets pour la gestion de la carrière académique des doctorantes, membres du corps intermédiaire et des professeures. Dans les ateliers, vous avez la possibilité de développer vos compétences transversales avec d'autres chercheuses des universités partenaires.
Autres événements dans le cycle
02.02.2023Emotional intelligence: why it matters
07.02.2023Academia, ResearchGate, Twitter...: Réseaux sociaux et visibilité sur internet
23.02.2023Project management for successful researchers
20.03.2023Public speaking in English for researchers
29.03.2023Ally training for men: How to stand up against everyday discrimination, sexism, and bias
31.03.2023Se préparer à une leçon d'épreuve
28.04.2023Reconnaître et affirmer ses potentiels
04.05.2023Savoir négocier: techniques et stratégies
09.05.2023Finding and applying for funding in academia
07.06.2023Comment monter une équipe de recherche
22.09.2023Leadership inclusif
26.09.2023Design your future: How to make professional choices?
29.09.2023Médiation et régulation de conflits
09.10.2023Self-empowerment: Discover how to build your power to act
20.10.2023Pitching myself for industry: Honing my application skills
02.11.2023The research proposal: How to convince evaluators to fund your research
10.11.2023Writing and publishing in academia
23.11.2023Viser l'équilibre: vers une gestion consciente du temps et de l'énergie
28.11.2023L'art d'engager une audience
30.11.2023Vulgariser et parler aux médias