How to negotiate: Techniques and strategies
Spezialisiert / Akademisch
03.06.2024 09:00 - 16:00
Description and objectives
The professional environment, academic or non-academic, offers many opportunities for negotiation: e.g. concerning working hours, distribution of tasks, salary, sharing resources etc.
Based on the Harvard Concept (R. Fisher & W. Ury) negotiation principles will be introduced in this workshop. The participants are invited to reflect on their own experiences and strategies and develop new possibilities for action. Special attention is paid to gender-specific aspects, role perception in negotiations and communication patterns to gain more confidence for forthcoming negotiations.
This workshop will enable participants to:
• recognise the elements of a negotiation
• become familiar with different negotiation styles
• become aware of their own negotiation strategies
• practise a negotiation and reflect on different ways of negotiating.
Theoretical input alternate with practical exercises based on participant’s case examples and experiences.
The professional environment, academic or non-academic, offers many opportunities for negotiation: e.g. concerning working hours, distribution of tasks, salary, sharing resources etc.
Based on the Harvard Concept (R. Fisher & W. Ury) negotiation principles will be introduced in this workshop. The participants are invited to reflect on their own experiences and strategies and develop new possibilities for action. Special attention is paid to gender-specific aspects, role perception in negotiations and communication patterns to gain more confidence for forthcoming negotiations.
This workshop will enable participants to:
• recognise the elements of a negotiation
• become familiar with different negotiation styles
• become aware of their own negotiation strategies
• practise a negotiation and reflect on different ways of negotiating.
Theoretical input alternate with practical exercises based on participant’s case examples and experiences.
03.06.2024 09:00 - 16:00
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Dagmar Engfer
Coach advisor in career development
Coach advisor in career development
Anmeldung obligatorisch
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