Digital Transformation in Healthcare: A Human-Centered Approach
Vortrag, Öffentliche Vorlesung
Breite Öffentlichkeit
21.11.2023 17:15 - 18:45
Digital society lecture by Dr. Julia Amann
Project lead strategy & innovation, Careum Zurich
Digital transformation is rapidly changing how we practice and experience healthcare. New digital technologies, systems, and processes create both excitement and anxiety. While holding the potential to counteract imminent challenges, like skilled workforce shortage, progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, and related fields, also leads to safety concerns and fears of dehumanization. Many open questions remain.
This talk aims to provide an overview of what digital transformation means for healthcare and those most directly affected by the revolution ahead. It highlights the importance of following a human-centered approach when it comes to successfully mastering the digital transformation in healthcare.
Dr. Julia Amann is a project lead in the Strategy and Innovation division at the Careum Foundation, where her areas of focus include innovation capacity building, digital trans-formation, and artificial intelligence. Julia obtained a PhD in Health Sciences and Health Policy at the University of Lucerne, followed by postdoctoral appointments at Swiss Para-plegic Research and ETH Zurich, where research focused on digital health and AI ethics. Since 2021, she has been a member of the expert council of the Swiss Society for Public Health.
Project lead strategy & innovation, Careum Zurich
Digital transformation is rapidly changing how we practice and experience healthcare. New digital technologies, systems, and processes create both excitement and anxiety. While holding the potential to counteract imminent challenges, like skilled workforce shortage, progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, and related fields, also leads to safety concerns and fears of dehumanization. Many open questions remain.
This talk aims to provide an overview of what digital transformation means for healthcare and those most directly affected by the revolution ahead. It highlights the importance of following a human-centered approach when it comes to successfully mastering the digital transformation in healthcare.
Dr. Julia Amann is a project lead in the Strategy and Innovation division at the Careum Foundation, where her areas of focus include innovation capacity building, digital trans-formation, and artificial intelligence. Julia obtained a PhD in Health Sciences and Health Policy at the University of Lucerne, followed by postdoctoral appointments at Swiss Para-plegic Research and ETH Zurich, where research focused on digital health and AI ethics. Since 2021, she has been a member of the expert council of the Swiss Society for Public Health.
21.11.2023 17:15 - 18:45
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Dr. Julia Amann, project lead strategy & innovation, Careum Zurich
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