Algorithms & AI vs. Democracy & Human Rights?

Vortrag, Öffentliche Vorlesung
Breite Öffentlichkeit
17.10.2023 17:15 - 18:45

Digital Society public lecture by Dr. des. Angela Müller
Head of AlgorithmWatch CH, Head of Policy & Advocacy at AlgorithmWatch

Algorithmic systems and so called „Artificial Intelligence" often come with big aspirations. They promise nothing less than to combat climate change or to bring about social equality. But what challenges can the systems themselves, their development and deployment, mean for human rights and democracy? And in what way is the debate on algorithms and AI crucially related to questions of power and justice in our society?

Angela Müller heads the work of AlgorithmWatch CH and of AlgorithmWatch’s Policy & Advocacy team. Her policy focuses include the international level (Council of Europe), the EU level (AI Act) and the domestic level in Switzerland. She has testified as an expert before the German Bundestag and the Swiss Parliament and is a member of expert working groups at the Council of Europe and the Data Science Competence Centre at the Swiss Federal Administration.
17.10.2023 17:15 - 18:45
Standort PER 21 / Raum A230
Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg
Anna Jobin
Blvd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Dr. des. Angela Müller, Head of AlgorithmWatch CH, Head of Policy & Advocacy at AlgorithmWatch

REIHE von Veranstaltungen:
Digital Society: Digital Transformation in Society and Culture

This interdisciplinary lecture series is organized by the new Master minor programme "Digital Society". It presents various issues and areas of research in digital society and culture. What are the major contemporary challenges? Who are the major players and their roles, what are the stakes?
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