AI as assistant to judges or their future substitute? Risks of social disruption
Vortrag, Öffentliche Vorlesung
Breite Öffentlichkeit
07.11.2023 17:15 - 18:45
Digital Society public lecture by Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz
Professor at the Fribourg University Law Faculty, Director of the European Law Institute, Vienna
AI may become an assistant to judges, a sparing partner or even a substitute in the role of a judge. How is this possible? What are the limits? And, as a consequence, what are the social disruptive effects of judges using AI at different levels of implication in drafting judgments.
Some framework has been put in place by the EU (e.g. AI Act). One wonders to what extent this will be sufficient to avoid the disruptive effects of AI in the field of the judiciary. This presentation aims at explaining the benefits and risks, as well as the potential course of action, in using AI in the judiciary.
Professor at the Fribourg University Law Faculty, Director of the European Law Institute, Vienna
AI may become an assistant to judges, a sparing partner or even a substitute in the role of a judge. How is this possible? What are the limits? And, as a consequence, what are the social disruptive effects of judges using AI at different levels of implication in drafting judgments.
Some framework has been put in place by the EU (e.g. AI Act). One wonders to what extent this will be sufficient to avoid the disruptive effects of AI in the field of the judiciary. This presentation aims at explaining the benefits and risks, as well as the potential course of action, in using AI in the judiciary.
07.11.2023 17:15 - 18:45
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz, Professor at the Fribourg University Law Faculty & Director of the European Law Institute, Vienna
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