FéVR 12
FéVR 12
The research proposal: How to convince evaluators to fund your Horizon Europe research project
Académique ou spécialiste
25.02.2025 09:00 - 12.11.2025 17:00
The workshop offers you:
- An overview of requirements for Horizon Europe projects (including ERC, MSCA, and collaborative projects across Pilar 2).
- Advice and tips from evaluators of all proposal types
- Coaching in groups on each section of the research proposal including:
- The abstract
- The introduction/state of the art
- Methdology/Research Plan
- Impact
- Budget
Individual Coaching for each participant’s proposal plans
Presentation, discussion, exercises, taking into account of the individual cases of the participants.
- An overview of requirements for Horizon Europe projects (including ERC, MSCA, and collaborative projects across Pilar 2).
- Advice and tips from evaluators of all proposal types
- Coaching in groups on each section of the research proposal including:
- The abstract
- The introduction/state of the art
- Methdology/Research Plan
- Impact
- Budget
Individual Coaching for each participant’s proposal plans
Presentation, discussion, exercises, taking into account of the individual cases of the participants.
25.02.2025 09:00 - 12.11.2025 17:00
Site web
Dr. Jennifer McClung, psychologist and biologist, Euresearch
CYCLE d'événements:
Ateliers REGARD: Le programme d'ateliers pour la relève féminine
Les ateliers du programme REGARD offrent des outils concrets pour la gestion de la carrière académique des doctorantes, membres du corps intermédiaire et des professeures. Dans les ateliers, vous avez la possibilité de développer vos compétences transversales avec d'autres chercheuses des universités partenaires.
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