Self-empowerment: discover how to build your power act

Académique ou spécialiste
02.10.2025 09:00    -    05.11.2025 13:00

- How could you feel more competent, worthy, valuable, and capable of doing things? What would enable you to address adversity with calm and resolve?
- How could you create conditions around you that would foster your ideas and projects?
- How could you develop courage to fight for what is important to you and to say No to what is not?

Although these questions seem very personal, they are actually widely shared and universal. Most people have doubts and struggle at times with their self-image, self-acceptance and confidence. Research shows consistently that developing these aspects is highly correlated to coping with life challenges, and emotional well-being.

This workshop is designed to help you identify ways to foster positive self-image, to transform limiting beliefs into self-compassion, and to increase your “power to act”.

Through experience sharing, discovery of tools like cultivating self-care and mindfulness, as well as via the analysis of concrete situations, each participant will be able to make another step on her/his path of professional and personal growth.
02.10.2025 09:00    -    05.11.2025 13:00
Salle EPFL
Av. François-Alphonse Forel 3, 1015 Lausanne
Service égalité, diversité et inclusion
Manuela Schicka
Nir Zalts, expert for leadership and professional development
Inscription Obligatoire

Your presence is required at all workshop dates

Workshop for women: PhD candidates, intermediate academic staff

Date limite: 01.10.2025


CYCLE d'événements:
Ateliers REGARD: Le programme d'ateliers pour la relève féminine

Les ateliers du programme REGARD offrent des outils concrets pour la gestion de la carrière académique des doctorantes, membres du corps intermédiaire et des professeures. Dans les ateliers, vous avez la possibilité de développer vos compétences transversales avec d'autres chercheuses des universités partenaires.
Autres événements dans le cycle
25.02.2025The research proposal: How to convince evaluators to fund your Horizon Europe research project
25.02.2025Writing and publishing in academia
27.02.2025Vulgariser et parler aux médias
06.03.2025Ally training for men: How to stand up against discrimination, sexism, and bias
11.03.2025The research proposal: How to convince reveiwers to fund your research - focus SNSF
14.03.2025Se préparer à une leçon d'épreuve
20.03.2025Pushing back against everyday sexism
28.03.2025Inclusive leadership
11.04.2025Reconnaître et affirmer ses potentiels
15.04.2025L'art d'engager une audience
01.05.2025Project management for successful researchers
09.05.2025Sustainable productivity: balance your time and energy
27.05.2025Pitching myself for industry: my strategy for success
01.09.2025Design your future: how to make professional choices
08.09.2025Public speaking for English for researchers
02.10.2025Self-empowerment: discover how to build your power act
10.10.2025Building inclusive classrooms: focusing on who we teach and how we teach
16.10.2025Communication et visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux
24.10.2025How to negotiate: techniques and strategies
27.11.2025Pitching myself for industry: honing my application skills