Sustainable productivity: balance your time and energy
Spezialisiert / Akademisch
09.05.2025 09:15 - 17:00
Rather than focusing on a new miracle tool for organizing your time, this workshop takes a personalized approach to improving your knowledge of yourself and your needs, with the aim of optimizing your energy and time management.
The workshop will examine the connections between time management and energy management, taking into account the academic context and women's careers. A large part of the programme will be devoted to individual and group reflections, as well as practical exercises, to develop awareness of your needs and the fluctuations in your attention and energy, so that you can better respect and regulate them. Starting from your individual situations, the workshop will enable you to evaluate your various commitments - academic and non-academic - according to their return on investment and their impact on your sense of satisfaction. This awareness will lead you to micro- and macro-plan your work, private life and relationships, in order to develop a healthy, balanced approach to private and professional life.
Approach :
The workshop is based on a combination of theory, group discussion and individual and group exercises. Participation in the workshop includes individual follow-up approximately three weeks after the workshop. The aim of this follow-up is to consolidate the new time and energy management habits that each participant has put in place after the workshop.
The workshop will examine the connections between time management and energy management, taking into account the academic context and women's careers. A large part of the programme will be devoted to individual and group reflections, as well as practical exercises, to develop awareness of your needs and the fluctuations in your attention and energy, so that you can better respect and regulate them. Starting from your individual situations, the workshop will enable you to evaluate your various commitments - academic and non-academic - according to their return on investment and their impact on your sense of satisfaction. This awareness will lead you to micro- and macro-plan your work, private life and relationships, in order to develop a healthy, balanced approach to private and professional life.
Approach :
The workshop is based on a combination of theory, group discussion and individual and group exercises. Participation in the workshop includes individual follow-up approximately three weeks after the workshop. The aim of this follow-up is to consolidate the new time and energy management habits that each participant has put in place after the workshop.
09.05.2025 09:15 - 17:00
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Marie-Paule Haefliger, psychologist FSP, mediator & trainer
Anmeldung obligatorisch
Workshop for women: PhD candidates, intermediate academic staff, professors
There will be an individuel follow-up several weeks after the workshop with the coach
Anmeldefrist: 08.05.2025
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Workshopprogram REGARD: Kursprogramm für Wissenschaftlerinnen
Das Kursprogramm REGARD bietet Doktorandinnen, Postdocs und Professorinnen konkretes und praktisches Werkzeug für die akademische Karriere. In unseren Kursen erwerben Sie überfachliche Fähigkeiten und erweitern Ihr Netzwerk.
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