Meet your Future Employer: ESA – European Space Agency (E)

Breite Öffentlichkeit
26.09.2024 17:15 - 19:00

Do you think that ESA recruits only astronauts? You’re wrong, keep reading.

ESA is the European gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability, leading peaceful exploration, and use of the space for the benefit of everyone on earth.

ESA offers a number of entry-level programs targeting students, recent graduates, and young professionals, alongside its vacancies for experienced professionals.
Claude Nicollier, Andrew Kane and ESA representatives would love to meet you and share ESA career opportunities with you. One of them could be your path to space!

Please be aware that applications for ESA entry-level programs or jobs can be taken only from eligible nationalities. Please visit: https://www.esa.int/About_Us/Corporate_news/Member_States_Cooperating_States

This event is aimed at Master's and doctoral students from the following faculties:
- Faculty of Science and Medicine
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
26.09.2024 17:15 - 19:00
Standort PER 21 / Raum A120
Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg
Career Services
Ibrahim Nimaga
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Claude Nicollier, first Swiss ESA astronaut
Andrew Kane, ESA entry level career coordinator
Andreas Brown, ESA YGT TEC
Nicole Roshardt, ESA YGT HRE
Lucille Siegfried, ESA Intern

SXS (Space eXchange Switzerland) Representatives:
Gregoire Bourban, SXS Head and former YGT
Silvia Invrea, SXS Career Head
Elena Bittante, SXS Movetia Grants
Anmeldung obligatorisch

Inscription obligatoire pour les créneaux d'entretiens de conseils personnalisés de 18h00 à 19h00. Inscription recommandée pour la présentation de 17h15.

Anmeldefrist: 26.09.2024
