Horizon Europe and COST - European Research Programmes for Social Sciences and Humanities
Spezialisiert / Akademisch
22.11.2023 12:15 - 13:45
Social Sciences and Humanities have their place in Horizon Europe and COST.
Jenny McClung, NCP Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (Cluster 2) and Widening, will show opportunities in Horizon Europe, and Ladina Knapp, SNSF, is introducing COST on European level and linked projects with SNSF.
The event will be onsite in Fribourg. The programme will be updated and show more details in November.
Jenny McClung, NCP Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (Cluster 2) and Widening, will show opportunities in Horizon Europe, and Ladina Knapp, SNSF, is introducing COST on European level and linked projects with SNSF.
The event will be onsite in Fribourg. The programme will be updated and show more details in November.
22.11.2023 12:15 - 13:45
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Jenny McClung, NCP Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (Cluster 2) and Widening, Euresearch Bern; Ladina Knapp, SNSF, Bern
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