Children’s understandings of well-being: the contribution of a systemic theory of action

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06.12.2016 17:15 - 19:00

One difficulty of international comparisons of children’s subjective well-being stems from the fact that the same concepts used in interviews with children may be understood in different ways. As a contribution to an international project on Children’s Understanding of Well-Being (Hunner-Kreisel et al., 2014), the author proposes a systemic theory of action (Stoecklin 2013, 2014, 2016) to lessen the effect of barriers linked to language, social positions, cultural codes and individual competence in expression, that impede full acknowledgement and understanding of the actor’s meaning-making and accounts of experience. The related method called “kaleidoscope of experience” (Stoecklin, 2009) has been used in Switzerland. The method and the theory highlight the dynamics of well-being as a phenomenon evolving as much because of objective factors as within the subjective appraisal of the actors. These elements are identified through “sensitizing concepts” (Blumer, 1969) like motivations, images of self, activities, relations and values. Their links highlight the recursive dynamics of well-being which can be related to the theory of structuration (Giddens, 1979, 1984).
06.12.2016 17:15 - 19:00
Standort RM / Raum S-0.113
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2, 1700 Fribourg
ZeFF - Universitäres Zentrum für Frühkindliche Bildung Fribourg
Vortragende / Mitwirkende
Prof. Dr. Daniel Stoecklin, Assoziierter Professor für Soziologie am Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant der Université de Genève. Seine Spezialgebiete liegen u. a. in der Kindheit und den Kinderrechten.