Academic mobilty - should I stay or should I go?

Académique ou spécialiste
08.11.2022 09:00 - 17:00

Description and objectives
What is “academic mobility” and what is its purpose? When you hear the career histories of current academics, many will chart a career path full of stories of travelling from one country/institution/research group to another, as they build up their academic career portfolio. Many PhD and postdoctoral researchers have benefited from travelling to experience new research perspectives and knowledge, working alongside new colleagues and collaborators,
as well as enjoying an enriched personal life immersed in a new culture. However, academic mobility, especially long-term-long-distance travel is not suited to everyone – priorities around work-life balance change at every career stage and so it’s important for researchers to
question their motivation and make informed decisions about when to stay and when (and where) to go.

In this informative and interactive workshop we look at the why, what, who, where and how of academic mobility. With plenty of opportunity for discussion and individualised reflection, participants should be more knowledgeable about the advantages and disadvantages associated with academic mobility and feel more confident to make strategic career decisions.

Theoretical input will alternate with individual, pair and group work.
08.11.2022 09:00 - 17:00
Salle EPFL
Route cantonale 1, 1015 Lausanne
REGARD Programmes d'ateliers
Manuela Schicka
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
026 300 70 43
Sarah Blackford, academic careers specialist
Inscription Obligatoire

Registration usually opens six weeks before each workhop and has to be done online over the program's website
In the next couple of days, we'll confirm your registration via the registration system. If the workshop is fully booked, we'll put you on the waiting list.
Once your registration is confirmed, it is considered final. Withdrawal less than one week before the workshop OR an absence from the workshop without excuse or explanation entail a fee of CHF 200.- (except in the case of force majeure).

Date limite: 30.11.-0001


CYCLE d'événements:
REGARD: Le programme d'ateliers pour la relève féminine

Les ateliers du programme REGARD vous offrent des outils concrets pour la gestion de votre carrière académique ainsi que pour développer vos compétences transversales avec d'autres chercheuses des universités partenaires. De plus, les ateliers créent des espaces de discussion et d'échange d'expériences entre chercheuses.

Certains ateliers sont ouverts à un public mixte de femmes et d'hommes pour sensibiliser la communauté universitaire à la thématique de l'égalité de traitement entre les femmes et les hommes dans les carrières.

Public cible: Assistantes, doctorantes, post-doctorantes, maître-assistantes, MER et autres fonctions du corps intermédiaire, professeures

Thèmes des ateliers: planification de la carrière académique; gestion de projets de recherche; outils de communication; développement personnel
Autres événements dans le cycle
01.04.2022Writing and publishing in academia
13.04.2022Ally training for men: How to stand up against discrimination, sexism, and bias
25.04.2022Self-empowerment: discover how to build your power act
29.04.2022Se préparer à la leçon d'épreuve
12.05.2022ONLINE WORKSHOP: Finding and applying for funding in academia
17.05.2022Viser l'équilibre: vers une gestion consciente du temps et de l'énergie
20.05.2022Academia, ResearchGate. Twitter...: réseaux sociaux et visibilité sur internet
22.09.2022Prise de parole - boîte à utils
06.10.2022Médiation et régulation de conflits
13.10.2022Vulgariser et parler aux médias
14.10.2022Reconnaître et affirmer ses potentiels
20.10.2022Pitching myself for industry (2): Honing my application skills
31.10.2022Savoir négocier: techniques et stratégies
04.11.2022Increase your assertiveness in institutional power games
08.11.2022Academic mobilty - should I stay or should I go?
11.11.2022Leadership inclusif
17.11.2022Research budgets: understanding and constructing them
22.11.2022Emotional intelligence: why it matters
28.11.2022Comment monter une équipe de recherche?
09.12.2022Devenir professeure, mettre toutes les chances de son côté