Conférence-atelier Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Prof. JoAnne Dahl University of Uppsala, Sweden

Colloque / Congrès / Forum, Autre
Ouvert au grand public
25.06.2018 09:00    -    26.06.2018 17:00

ACT is about helping people to relate to their difficulties in a psychologically flexible way, enabling a vital life. This workshop aims to give the basic tools for helping clients to become aware of their own patterns of psychological rigidity, i.e. relating to difficult thoughts feelings or sensations in a way that gets them stuck in self destructive circles.
During this 2 days workshop, Prof. Dahl will present, demonstrate, and provide with experiential exercises of the 6 processes in ACT that have been shown to be the active ingredients in successful, effective treatment.
This includes how to identify and use clients’ own values in motivating behaviour change and how to teach ‘defusion’ I.e. helping the client to see thoughts for what they actually are rather than what they say they are. ‘Acceptance’ as an open non-judgmental way of relating to discomfort as opposed to avoidance will be presented and practiced.
25.06.2018 09:00    -    26.06.2018 17:00
Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch. MAS en psychologie de la santé
Chantal Rodriguez
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
0 1700 Fribourg
+41 26 300 73 57